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La dose de depart est de 50 mg par jour et elle peut aller jusqu a 75 mg par jour pour les debutants, meilleur steroide anabolisant achat anavar 10 mg.. In very general terms it depends on how much Anavar a female uses and for that matter, for how long , and her individual reaction to the steroid. We can say this about females using Anavar the probability of experiencing negative side effect and by that we mean virilization, which are the most dreaded adverse effects a woman wants to avoid is low when females use low doses of this steroid. That probability rises significantly with higher doses, and women therefore would not want to buy Anavar and use it at doses which are suitable for men. With that said, a minority of females may still be unlucky enough to notice the development of some unwanted side effects, even at low Anavar doses, meilleur steroide anabolisant achat anavar 10 mg. If the adverse effects become too worrisome, the steroid should be stopped and those symptoms will disappear.

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